有卖家反映:亚马逊美国站 车充,充电器,电源适配器,电池产品需要提供安规(UL认证)!车充需要UL2089认证,充电器需要提供UL60950-1认证!手机电池需要提供UL2054/UL1642认证!!提供不了的在的时间内,强制下架! 据了解:这类产品如果不合格很*造成火灾,危及民众生命和财产安全,之前曾经发生过类似的案件!而UL标准也就是美洲的安全测试标准!而亚马逊出于对安全的考虑!加强对带电的电子电器产品管控,许多产品因此而被下架!也在情理之中喽! The sale of all cellular phone chargers, and laptop computer batteries and chargers on the Amazon website must meet specified certification standards. Note that Amazon may remove your selling privileges for failing to meet these standards. To sell these products on Amazon, you must apply by submitting the following information to : Company name Seller/Vendor ID Email address Phone number A list of ASINs you are applying to sell A document confirming that your product was tested according to the standard listed in the following table by a laboratory that is certified to the ILAC ISstandard: Product Certification Requirement Laptop Battery UL 2054 or UL 1642 Cellular Phone Replacement Battery UL 2054 or UL 1642 Laptop Charger and Power Adapter UL Cellular Phone Wall Charger UL 也就是说笔记本电池/手机电池要符合UL 2054 或UL 1642 认证标准认证!手机充电器/电源适配器要符合UL60950-1的标准认证!车载充电器要符合UL2089的标准认证。 车充UL2089认证/充电器UL60950认证/电池UL2054/UL1642认证办理流程 1.填写申请表, 2.提供产品的资料, 3.寄样品, 4.测试OK, 5.出UL报告/认证。 费用:根据实际情况评估! 亚马逊出于对安全的考虑!日益对带电的电子电器产品管控严格,许多产品因此而被下架!今年商家能不能把握赚钱的机会,就看您的准备是否充足了!